Stream live and recorded TV across your existing IP network

Encoded Media's range of hardware appliances are suitable for business, education and hospitality, delivering organisation-wide TV without the bother of a TV system

TV Server and HD Encoder are rack mountable 1U appliances that send television channels and internal video streams on your existing IP network. Web configurable. No separate infrastructure required.

Send live & recorded TV over your LAN

Watch digital free-to-air and foreign TV channels, camera outputs and more

Reach every screen, computer and mobile

Your staff or students can view content live and on demand, wherever they are

Record everything, all the time

Automatically stores 000s of hours of broadcasts so you never miss a thing

Encoded Media Team

Richard Poel

General Manager,

US Office

Tom Sillence

Lead Developer

Philip Wand

General Manager,

UK Office

Steve Evans

Senior Engineer

Naomi Gigg

Office Administrator

Encoded Media Logo

Copyright © Encoded Media 2024, all rights reserved. E&OE.

Encoded Media (UK) Limited registered in England & Wales no. 05359572. Registered at Juniper House, Warley Hill Business Park, The Drive, Brentwood CM13 3BE.